The last few weeks I have been in correspondence with many folk in the traditional craft world and we hope to create an organisation that can help preserve and promote some of our wonderful heritage of craft skills.
Today I met with Brian Crosby of the Basketmakers Association to discuss the way forward and together we visited the last sieve or riddle maker hand weaving garden riddles.
Here is Brian on the right and Mike Turnock the sieve maker on the left. Mike buys in 4" slabs of beech and saws them into thin strips that are steam bent to make the sieve rims.

Next Mike showed us how he weaves specialists riddles. First drilling the holes, note how the holes are not evenly spaced around the rim in order to get even wire spacing inside.

Starting to weave. By using a special "crook" Mike lifts one wire and lowers the next.

He then pulls it tight, cuts it off, bends it down, turns the point in and hammers it into the side wall.

Mike makes sieves and riddles in all sorts of sizes and some specialist ones. The one he is holding here is for shrimp and the pile in the background for grading cockles.