As always it is a really nicely written article and there will be a slide show showing all the processes of making a sieve on Tuesday next week, I'll add a link when it is up. The photo of Mike is not very flattering though.
Jon and I visited Mike just short of a year after my first visit, see this blog post for lots of pictures of Mike's workshop.
That visit was the very first step towards creating the Heritage Crafts Association and it is difficult to believe how far we have come in a year. When we visited last year it looked certain that Mike would be the last sievemaker, through the HCAs work his business has had a lot of publicity both locally and nationally including being discussed in the House of Commons. The good news is that he now has a few folk interested in taking the business on when he retires and has even had a potential trainee up to make a sieve. Perhaps this could be the first craft that HCA has helped save from the brink of extinction.
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